2014년 10월 6일 월요일

My Summer Vacation

Park Soo Hwan
Monday 1 P.M.

                              My Summer Vacation
I would like to tell my summer vacation to you. During summer vacation, I experienced many new things. First, I worked in a big resort that was Deamyeoung Resort. It was my first workplace ,and I worked as washing man. I washed many towels ,and I supervised big washing machines. It was a very hard and busy working. I perspired like slaves everyday and lost weight. I thought that It was a hard experience ,but also it was a nice experience. Next, I traveled to Jejudo with my family. It was first time to travel to Jejudo with my family. We went to Jejudo by airplane ,and there were many new and interest things. We rode horses ,and we ate various seafoods. During the traveling, I felt happiness and family's loves. I thought that I enjoyed a best summer vacation on my life.

제주도의 봄~!!제주도 세계 7대경관 선정될까? '막판 투표' 총력전세계 7대 자연경관 '제주도' 등재, 여러분의 힘을 모아주세요~

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